Monday, November 9, 2009

Hero Project Reflection

1. A hero becomes a hero by performing a heroic act. For example, a fire fighter can be considered a hero simply because he/she saves people from fire. Another way a hero becomes a hero is by having a heroic trait like wisdom, bravery, thoughtfulness, etc. Basically, a hero is a person who makes an impact on another persons life.

2. This project was

3. The hero in my eyes project started out as just a simple task. We were first asked to make a body sculpture of what we thought was a hero. Then, we had to choose someone in our life that we considered a hero and interview them. That was when Charlotte asked us the question 'What makes someone a hero?". In class, we read a couple of character sketches and we were required to create our own character sketches. The character sketch consisted of a description of why our hero is considered a hero to us, and two photos. After that, we posted the character sketch on our blog, and made a template of it.

4. Of course by the interview, I learned a lot about my dad and his life in the military along with other things like what his thoughts, feelings, and experiences were. But beside that, I also learned a whole new meaning of the word 'hero'. At the beginning of this project, when we were asked to make a body sculpture, I first thought that a hero was a person with super powers, or local firefighters, police, navy men, etc. But a hero can also be a normal day to day person who you look up to, or impacted your life in any way.

5. One of the habits of mind that I used in this project was innovation. Innovation is a new way of doing something. I used innovation in my project because I usually just ask my dad about his experiences in the Navy to get information, but I've never interviewed him or had a list of questions.

If you click here, the link will lead you to my hero sketch.

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